Monday, February 4, 2008

The Prayer Shawl Begins

I don't know how it's going to turn out, but the knitting of the prayer shawl has begun. I hope to have some little progress bars posted on the sidebar to show how things are going, but don't get too excited, it may not happen soon.

I started out just playing around with different variations on the theme of "three" as I have seen suggested all over when looking into information about prayer shawls. A lot of it goes into the Christian tradition of linking prayer shawl knitting to the Trinity. I finally settled on a faux shaker pattern. It is truly NOT a shaker pattern--it is just a reversible textured pattern.

Here are the directions for the pattern:

Cast on a multiple of 4 stitches, plus 3, plus two selvedge stitches.
(Keep in mind the pattern does not specify how to work the selvedge stitches, you can do this however you want. I will make two recommendations at the end of the pattern directions)

Row 1: work selvedge stitch, *Knit 3, Purl 1*, repeat between * across row, end Knit 3, work selvedge stitch.

Row 2: work selvedge stitch, Knit 1, Purl 1, *Knit 3, Purl 2*, repeat between * across row, end Knit 1, work selvedge stitch.

Repeat these two rows for pattern.

Okay, now here's my recommendations for working the selvedge stitches:

***No. 1***

On Row 1, slip the first selvedge stitch and the knit the last selvedge stitch. On Row 2, slip the first selvedge stitch and purl the last selvedge stitch. Continue with subsequent rows likewise.

***No. 2***

Purl the selvedge stitches on either side, for all rows. Just purl them. This, by the way, is the method that I prefer. Often, if a pattern does not call for selvedge stitches, I add them and purl them. I like how it turns out.

I am using Caron Simply Soft and #7 Boye needles. I cast on 97 stitches and just started working. It feels really nice. I hope it's wide enough...this pattern has a tendency to pull together. I may even steam block this even though I normally wouldn't for a pattern like this...I definitely wouldn't for shaker but this is not shaker so I guess I would be OK in doing that. I'll just check things out when it's done.

Keep checking back for updates, and join me on BeliefNet in my Meditative Knitting Group because I'll be posting there soon about prayer shawls.

Knit On!